Home Emergency: From: £69.00 Including IPT
Premium is based on October 2019 and subject to change
This is a Home Emergency Policy which during the Period of Insurance, in the event of an emergency will cover the costs of the emergency work, subject to claim limits. This policy operates alongside your Home Insurance Policy.
What is insured
- Cover is provided as shown in the table below for any one claim in connection with the Insured Incidents.
- There is a maximum claim limit that we will pay in respect of any one claim for each Insured Incident.
- Up to a limit of 5 claims and a maximum of £5,000 payable in any one Period of Insurance
Cover includes
Plumbing and Drainage
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Internal Electricity Supply
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Gas Supply
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Water Supply
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Lost Keys
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Pest Infestation
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Roofing Damage
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Primary Heating System Breakdown
Claim Limit: £1,000 / Excess: Nil
Boiler Replacement Contribution
Boiler Aged up to 15 years – £500 / Excess: Nil
Overnight Accommodation
Claim Limit: £250 / Excess: Nil
What is not insured
- Claims arising within 48 hours of the inception of this Policy.
- Circumstances known to you prior to the commencement date of this insurance.
- Any system, equipment or facility which has been modified, not been properly installed or maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
- Any system which is faulty or inadequate as a result of any inherent or recurring manufacture or design defect.
- Replacement or adjustment to any decorative or cosmetic part of any equipment.
- Claims arising out of a willful act or omission or lack of maintenance or regular servicing or neglect by you.
- Any materials or labour charges covered by manufacturers, suppliers or installers guarantee or warranty.
- The amount of any Excess shown in the Certificate of Insurance in respect of each claim.
Are there any restriction on cover?
- The Insured Person must tell us immediately of any circumstances which may give rise to a claim.
- Maximum claim limit of £1,000.
- Maximum aggregate limit of £5,000 (Maximum of
- Maximum claim limit of £250 in respect of Overnight Accommodation claims.
- Where a Temporary Resolution or Repair has been made, you will be responsible for organising replacement of a Temporary Repair with a Permanent Repair or carrying out further recommendations of the Contractor. If a Permanent Repair or further recommendations have not been carried out and you make a further claim for the same issue, your claim will not be valid.