Legal Expenses Insurance Household & Family Plus: £15
Cover provides up to £50,000 of Legal Expenses Insurance cover for the common areas where disputes can occur and gives you the financial support and legal advice needed to pursue or defend your legal rights.
Example of Cover;
Personal Injury
Clinical and Medical Negligence
In relation to the pursuit of Legal Proceedings in respect of any clinical, medical or dental negligence causing bodily injury or death to an Insured Person.
Employment Disputes Excess £250
in relation to the pursuit of Legal Proceedings arising from or relating to an Insured Person’s contract of employment as an employee and which will be dealt with in an Employment Tribunal or any other civil court
Contract Disputes
relating to an agreement or alleged agreement that an Insured Person has entered into in a personal capacity for the buying or hiring of any goods or services.
Property Disputes
relating to:
- An incident which causes or could cause physical damage to Your main home which is owned by You or for which You are legally responsible.
- Any unlawful interference of Your use, enjoyment or right of Your main home and the land on which Your main home is situated.
- The landlord’s failure to maintain Your main home.
Legal Defence
for defending an Insured Person’s rights relating to any prosecution in a criminal court arising from the sale or supply of privately-owned goods.
Professional Negligence
relating to an agreement or alleged agreement that an Insured Person has entered into a personal capacity with a solicitor, accountant, surveyor or an architect, Court Attendance £1,000 (in respect of all claims in any one Period of Insurance)
For each day when an Insured Person is required to attend any court or tribunal at the request of an Appointed Representative, We will pay the actual loss of the salary or wages of an Insured Person for the time off work.
Jury Service £1,000
For each day when an Insured Person is required to attend jury service in the United Kingdom We will pay the actual loss of the salary or wages of an Insured Person for the time off work for jury service.
Tax Protection
for representing an Insured Person in any appeal proceedings in the event of an investigation into the Insured Person’s personal tax affairs.
Identity Theft
identity theft resolution service should an Insured Person become or feel they have become the victim of identity theft during the Period of Insurance
Education Appeals
representing an Insured Person in an appeal against the decision of a Local Education Authority
(LEA) arising out of the LEA’s failure to comply with its published admission policy which results in the refusal to accept the Insured Person’s child or children at the state school of their preference.
Probate Disputes
for the pursuit of Legal Proceedings relating to a probate dispute involving the will of the
Insured Person’s parents, grandparents, step-children or adopted children Home Sale or Purchase Disputes
Home Sale or Purchase Disputes (Must not exceed £500)
for the pursuit of Legal Proceedings relating to a contract for the sale or purchase of the Insured Person’s home entered into by or on behalf of the Insured Person
Homebuyers Protection
- Conveyancing Fees £1,100
- Survey Fees £750
- Valuation Fees £750
- Mortgage Arrangement and Lender Fees £400
The Limit of Liability is subject to an annual aggregate limit of £100,000 in any one Period of Insurance